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GWAS SVatalog

GWAS SVatalog is a web-based browsing and visualization tool that fascilitates fine-mapping of GWAS loci with structural variations (SVs). It is part of the LocusFocus suite of software tools specializing in data integration of GWAS follow-up. The SVatalog allows users to visualize linkage disequilibrium (LD) between SVs and GWAS-associated SNPs found in GWAS Catalog. The software is availible here.

screenshot of GWAS SVatalog

Screenshot of GWAS SVatalog.


Database constructed from predominantly European population of 101 individauls with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). The alleles affected by CF aside, the remainder of the genome is comparable to a healthy population of European descent (link to publication TBD). Genomic location is referenced against GRCh38.